Youth Internship Program
Synergy Youth Internship

Synergy is no longer accepting applications for the 2024 Youth Internship Program
The Youth Internship Program is designed for youth ages 15 - 21 and will provide you with relevant training and meaningful job skills.
Typically, Youth Interns receive First Aid (CPR) certification, High Five Principles of Healthy Child Development certification, and attend workshops on topics such as Resume and Cover Letter writing, Diversity Training, Financial Literacy, and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel). We are committed to providing a wide variety of meaningful learning experiences. Depending on what funding is available, some training may be provided at a cost. Further, some duties may require parent/guardian permission for interns under the age of 18.
All Interns, regardless of position, will have the opportunity to help plan and facilitate the Langdon Summer Drop-In Program which provides free outdoor programming for youth ages 10+, under the direction of the Program Facilitator.
Youth Interns will also assist the team to design and roll out fundraisers, community art projects, and community events.
Each Youth Intern will be assigned to a Synergy Program Coordinator, who will mentor and train Youth Interns regarding the specific position they are interested in.
Interns who complete at least 100 hours of volunteer time over the summer will receive a $500.00 bursary.